Amish Family Style Dinner at Byler’s BBQ
(6140 Twp. Rd 310 Millersburg, OH)
Meet this Saturday Dec.2nd at Church at 1PM
Includes:Ribs, Chicken, green beans, red potatoes, dessert, drink. Cost: $22/adult & $11/child 12 & under
extra $1 for Blooming Onion Appetizer.
RSVP by this Tues.Nov.28th at church office 330-336-2827
Hope to see you there!

Join Us Every Wednesday
from 7-8PM for time of prayer.

Meet Sunday Dec.10th at the church at 2PM
Going Caroling, delivering
food baskets & praying with those in need
Please bring a dozen homemade cookies to share.

Meet every third Saturday at 8A at the church for Breakfast & time of fellowship.

Women join us for brunch every third Saturday at 9A & fellowship. Meet at the church & we will leave from there.